Meet Hayden. He was born at 7:23 am on May 3. He started breathing too soon and swallowed liquid which caused him to struggle to breath.  Within an hour of being born, he was taken to the NICU. For 2 days he received amazing care from the doctors and nurses. He was discharged, happy and healthy, ready to take on the world. His future is bright and open to all possibilities.  Or is it? While the hospital protected his body, are they protecting his personal information? Can someone steal his identity, potentially jeopardizing his future? Children are a common target of identity theft because there is a false belief they are too young to have any “valuable” credentials.  What are you doing to make sure the Hayden’s in your hospital are protected? Be cyber confident so your patients (and their parents) can be confident in you.

Protect your Patients. Protect your Organization. Protect Yourself.