
Cyber Risk Challenges
Healthcare is a primary target for cyber breaches. Why? The value of a medical record is $350 vs 50¢ for gold credit card on the black market.

Third Rock Solutions

  • Annual Security Risk Assessments that meet HIPAA and MACRA requirements
  • Multiple location and speciality assessments
  • GDPR Assessments if you deal with international patients
  • New York DFS Security Risk Assessments
  • CIS-20 Assessment for a thorough cybersecurity technical assessment
  • California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) Assessment if you serve California residents
  • Major risk mitigation in less than 90 days
  • On demand HIPAA and Cyber Security training – both employees and officers
  • Rapid Response Services if you have been breached or OCR audit response required
  • Virtual Chief Cyber Risk Compliance Officer with right expertise at the right cost

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Cyber Risk Score

in less than five minutes with
Cyber Quick Check.

Let us help you get

Cyber Confident

Get your FREE Cyber Risk Score

in less than 5 minutes with Cyber Quick Check.

Let us help you get

Cyber Confident