Vendor Compliance

Are clients requiring you to become compliant?

We help vendors become more cyber secure to meet compliance requirements.  Most engagements can be completed in less than 90 days.

1 in 3 of all U.S. companies suffered a breach in 2017.  

Odds are it will most likely be from a vendor/third party.

Clients expect vendors to be compliant.

We can get you compliant in 90 days.

What’s Required

With the growing number of breaches related to vendors, many companies are requiring more rigorous proof of compliance regarding cyber security to reduce their liabilities and exposure.

Proof of compliance can include:


Third Party Security Risk Assessment

Proper and Current

Policy and Procedures

Risk Management Plan

Incident Response Plan

Contingency Plan

Plus Other Major Plans

Vendor Management

Do you need to manage vendors to insure they are compliant and protecting your valuable data?  CyberCompass™ can help.  We can show you how to save time, money and effort and greatly improve your vendors’ compliance and cybersecurity.

Reduce your third-party cyber risks

Vendors and third parties include a broad range of entities a company directly works with, such as data management companies, law firms, email providers, web hosting companies, subsidiaries, vendors and sub contractors.