phishing-compressorMore and more passwords are becoming a daily part of your life. Considering that it is recommended to never use the same password at different sites or on different apps, it can become overwhelming. Despite that, there are just some things that you should not compromise for the sake of being easy. Below are the list of the top 25 worst passwords for 2015.

Just as a quick reminder, while passwords are not the end-all-be-all in security, it pays to create secure ones. You should try to keep them at a minimum of 12 characters and include all of the following…

“uppercase letter, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters”

Now if you are using any of the following, please change them asap!!

  1. 123456 (Unchanged from last year’s list)
  2. password (Also unchanged)
  3. 12345678 (Up 1 spot from last year)
  4. qwerty (Up 1)
  5. 12345 (Down 2 from last year)
  6. 123456789 (Unchanged from last year)
  7. football (Up 3)
  8. 1234 (Down 1)
  9. 1234567 (Up 2)
  10. baseball (Down 2)
  11. welcome (New to the list)
  12. 1234567890 (New)
  13. abc123 (Up 1)
  14. 111111 (Up 1)
  15. 1qaz2wsx (New)
  16. dragon (Down 7)
  17. master (Up 2)
  18. monkey (Down 6)
  19. letmein (Down 6; also: really?)
  20. login (New)
  21. princess (New)
  22. qwertyuiop (New)
  23. solo (New)
  24. passw0rd (New)
  25. starwars (New; hello, “Force Awakens” fans)